Our story in numbers

  • 2010
    Boodle was founded in Johannesburg
  • 1m+
    Delighted Boodle customers
  • R5bn
    Boodle credit making millions of lives easier
  • 100+
    Amazing Boodle people always going the extra mile

Sounds familiar?

Boodle was founded in 2010, offering quick, safe loans to help you deal when life happens.

In 2022, we expanded our business – giving customers even more flexibility with a payment solution that gives you more time to pay for the things you need now. AND it’s interest-free.

Our team

Our people put real heart into what we do. We have a special combination of technological skills, financial know-how, focus and insight that produces exceptional results. We’re really excited and very proud to offer a service that we know makes a positive difference to shoppers and businesses every single day.

Join the team